Clean Energy Growth Around The World

Clean Energy


Clean Energy

Clean energy in the form of renewables has been around for many years.  Globally, we have failed to make the most of the opportunities.  As a result, we will provide news, updates and insights here to capture and inspire.  Our aim is to create a usable, understandable format for those who are not academics or scientists.

Whether your favourite clean energy is Solar, Wind, Hydrogen, Hydro or Gravity, we hope you will find our posts useful.

As we go into 2020, it really is time to put the bad habits of the past behind us and rethink our positions on the use of one off fossil fuels.  There are myriads of challenges ahead.  No doubt there will be opposition from those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo – namely utility companies, oil & gas giants, and of course Governments.

There will be many who think there is no problem.

This is more than just becoming more “eco friendly”, however much a part that has to play.  Choosing to not use plastic bags, straws and many of the one off “conveniences” may be the best 2020 New Year’s resolution you can make.

Where are we?

Great progress has been made over the past two decades.  However, focus is still needed as progress in this area stalled in 2018 according to the IEA in their article: Renewable capacity growth worldwide stalled in 2018 after two decades of strong expansion.

Unless we turn this around, there will be serious repercussions to longer term goals which could have a knock on impact to rises in global temperatures.

It’s Political, Isn’t it?

Whether or not you like their tactics, Extinction Rebellion have a right to be heard.  Even those who don’t believe there is a problem will benefit from the many others who tackle our energy creation, supply and distribution challenges.  Maybe they will come to appreciate it, maybe they won’t.  Don’t let them decide what you are willing to do.

This is not a time for blame, it is simply a case of getting on with it.  We need good ideas, and collaborative, inclusive ways of working together to achieve them.


Copyright (c) 2019 Alison K Murray, Ailieana Moore Publishing Ltd, All Rights Reserved.


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